Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was wonderful - relaxing and eating....what could be better?! I spent time reflecting on last year as well. You see I was hugely pregnant last Thanksgiving, past my due date and waiting for labor to begin. Lucky for my Mom (who is always in charge of Thanksgiving dinner), our baby waited through dinner but decided to come early the next morning. How nice to let Mom get all nourished before the labor marathon, right?
I'm sure all women look back at their births and when that first birthday rolls around it makes it all so nostalgic. The first time you notice a contraction, the first time you tell your husband "it's time", first time you hold that precious miracle in your arms and the first time you gaze into each other's eyes. Then all the "firsts" of that first year! I love watching my girls grow and the first year is filled with wonderment as a baby looks at the world for the first time. The first year has flown by for us this time but it never fails to be a wonderful time even though it is not our "first" time around.

So Happy Birthday to our little Sweetness! We can't wait to see what the world has in store for her and we feel so blessed to be her parents.