We also celebrated a certain birthday girls' 4th birthday!

I think we've found another tradition to incorporate into our family. Abbey took her balloons outside and I asked her if she wanted to let them blow away and watch them go up, up, up. At first she said no, then she asked where they would go if she let them go. We told her they would fly up to heaven. She thought about this for oh, about a nano-second and said "I want to let them go so everyone in heaven will know it's my birthday - like Pa-Pa". We lost my Dad (Pa-Pa) last year around this time so it was so sweet of her to remember him. I bet he caught those balloons from his little Abbey and celebrated in heaven. Don't you just love how children think? I think we'll need some more balloons to fly away on the next birthday.
So many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, but most of all our family and friends. I have the family I've always wanted and I will always be so very thankful for them each and every day. I get to kiss on soft, sweet baby cheeks every day (many times a day!), share in smiles, hang out with a teenager late at night, and just share life with them every day.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!