The Japanese Tea Gardens have reopened in San Antonio - just 30-40 min from our town of New Braunfels. The girls and I took Grandma there this Spring to view the wonderful flowers and waterfall. It's a little scary with a 1 1/2 yr old trying to navigate the many steps but the key was to just keep her up in the Beco!

Most of those who know me, know I'm a huge baby wearing fan and will wear my daughter most anywhere. I prefer having her on me than in the shopping cart or stroller. She's getting quite heavy though (she did enter the world at 10.3 lbs!) and at 17 months I'm sure she is closing in on the 30 lbs mark. I need to weigh her soon.... The Beco has been the best investment I've made. It's a soft structured baby carrier and oh so pretty! Dear Jeff even wore Miss Abbey on his back while hiking up (or was it down) the Enchanted Rock in Frederickburg, TX. I think I was the lucky one who wore her going up!!! Talk about a work out... It makes me sweat just thinking about doing that again. The Beco uses both shoulders and a nice padded waist strap to support the weight of the child. When you aren't using it or your child wants down, it folds up nicely around your waist and is secured with a strap (looks like a fanny pack at this point) so you don't end up carrying it around all day. Of course, I like the pretty prints it comes in too. We are working on adding this to our store since I'm such a huge fan of the product. The Beco company is small, but growing so hopefully we'll be an approved retailer soon. In the meantime, I know another wonderful company that carries them - Cotton Babies. As a retailer for their BumGenius! One Size Diapers, I can vouch for their supreme customer service and they usually have a nice selection of products to choose from.
Where will you wear your baby today? Leave me a comment and let me know the most unusual place you've worn your baby and what kind of carrier you use most!
xo Lisa
hi Lisa!! someone was asking about cloth trainers so i checked your site, saw you had a blog, and here i am! anyway, sounds like you are all doing well. i want to go to that japanese garden...looks beautiful! i'd have to say the most unusual place i've worn my babes is in the restroom, but we all do that right?? ;) my favorite carrier is definitely the mei tai as it evenly distributes my chunky Asher's weight! (i forget who makes the one i have though.)
ReplyDeleteLisa - yay! The Tea Gardens are open! Used to be one of our favorite places. I have been wearing my babies for almost 16 years (she'll be 16 next month). My favorite by far is the Moby Wrap. Jasper asked last week if he could ride in the Moby (and he turned 4 in March). I have worn babies hiking through Big Bend National Park. Jeff has worn them while surf fishing along the Texas coast (in a high backpack - not on his chest!). But probably the most unusual place I've worn a baby was on a job assignment. I was writing the copy for a high-end import catalog and had to visit the warehouse to meet with the distibutors and catalog publisher - they had no idea I was bringing a baby (they didn't ask). When I began to breastfeed in the conference room they all rose to leave and give me some privacy and I said, "How long do you folks want to be here today? He's probably gonna do this for several hours..." and they all sat back down. I did a good job and they were thrilled with the catalog, by the way. Why are we expected to "separate" our children from our lives?