I have so enjoyed having a space just for baby this time around. Having a boy after five girls really made me think about how we use our home and whether to create a space for baby. Since I breastfeed, co-sleep and stay close to my babies, we haven't had a need to create a space for them since they are just usually in our room. But having a boy, gave me inspiration to make a space for some boy things and I just love going in there to change his diaper, nurse him and play with him in a nice clean space! I wanted the room to be at Brett's level and very Montessori like. The wall decals are from
Wee Gallery - the woodland collection. The quilt is Mama made from the Anna Maria Horner "Voile" collection. Almost silky soft and very light weight for our Texas weather. As Brett grows and starts to roll over more, he will start to nap here in his little floor bed.

A space for baby to explore with a mirror and mobile. The wall mobile is from the
Michael Olaf catalog and has turned out to be one of Brett's favorite things. He loves looking at his mobile and gets lots of tummy time near the mirror - what a cute baby he has to look at! We hung the mobile from a ceiling hook and used fishing line to attach it.

I fell in love with this print from
Sarah Jane's etsy shop. The little boys planning a rocket launch filled me with vision of how my little boy might be playing some day with his buddies. My girls all have one of her prints with their birthday month hanging in their rooms so it was only fitting that Brett have one in his room too.
The rocking chair is from another
etsy shop and finished in a nice natural wood. Brett's big sister (the littlest sister) Abbey loves to sit next to Mama as I nurse or rock the baby.
A special chair that was a gift from my Mom's house and recovered by a local shop. I found the Anna Maria Horner home dec fabric at fabric.com for super cheap (7 yards for just $35!). It's the perfect size rocking chair for a new mom and baby. My favorite corner of the room.

Here is our diaper changing area - on top of a dresser that stores cloth diapers in the top drawer, clothes in the middle drawer and the bottom drawer has blankets (
these are my hands down favorites!) and baby carriers (Maya Wrap sling, Moby Wrap, Baby Hawk and Beco). Baby carriers are like shoes - sometimes you need your sneakers and sometimes something dressier! :)

Finally, a special picture of the men in Brett's family. There's Daddy with his Dad, Grandad, and Papa - who passed away while I was pregnant with his first Grandson. Miss you Daddy. Brett will always know the strong men who came before him as he grows into a kind, strong man himself.
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