Sunday, December 14, 2008
Allie Speaks
(this is after I ate a banana and drank some peach detox tea)
I guess it's better to smell sweet than sour!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Texas Riviera
Friday, November 7, 2008
Salute to the Sausage
Have a great weekend! Na na na na na na na - clap clap clap clap!
Monday, November 3, 2008
You are my November
Friday, October 24, 2008
Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
Wow - that's about all there is to say. Such a talented lady and generous offer. My girls would swoon over such a dress if it were to arrive at our house. Can't you just hear the little "oohing" and "aahhing" - don't forget the little screams of delight too!
Speaking of Halloween costumes, I'm about to sew up a cheerleader outfit for my little Allie (4). She'll look very sweet in piggie tails and pom poms. That's of course unless we win the Marie-Therese gown! :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Wind
Little A: Mom, is God the wind?
Me: Well, God makes and brings us the wind.
Little A: God IS the wind!
Me: You are right, God is the wind.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
12 weeks to Christmas?!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Goodbye - Hello!
Why the new blog? I wanted something personal to record the happenings of our family, but I still wanted to keep the blog for my business as well. So I created The Cloth Diaper Blog and The Baby Wearing Blog to help educate and inform on those topics. Links to both are over on the Full Circle Mother now. See you there!
aka - the Full Circle Mother
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Shack
One thing I am taking away from the book is "love" - or more like "loving". I want to put verbs into my living (see how I made that a verb instead of the noun "life") and by pouring more love into everything I do I will see it in others lives, especially my children. Most mothers probably wonder how they could ever love their children more than they do at this very moment. I feel the exact same way. I love them unconditionally, with all my heart. By changing love from a noun to a verb, we will be loving them in ways we haven't before. By doing, instead of having, we will reap the rewards of wonderful children and our lives will always be blessed by them.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Weekend Sewing
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Old Grandma

I cooked this fabulous Chicken and Orzo recipe for the Family (12 of us) on Friday night and I caught Old Grandma helping Baby A with her food. If I only have that moment to remember my Grandma by, I will treasure it forever. The oldest member of our family, helping the youngest keep food on her spoon and into her mouth, touched my heart. Old Grandma gets her share of the care taking these days, so seeing her give care reminded me how much she used to give to everyone else.
I made the girls jelly rolls yesterday for breakfast and let them eat their fill. Today we are making more skirts for their Fall closets. This little Lazy Days skirt pattern is quick to make and I love the ribbon trim!
Jelly Rolls Recipe:
1 1/2 cups milk
1 cup flour
2 eggs
2 T oil (veg oil, coconut oil or butter melted)
Mix all ingredients together. Lightly grease a small skillet and set heat to medium. Add 2 T of batter and swirl batter around in the pan until very thin. Cook about 2 min (you don't have to flip but you can if you want to cook the other side a little). Remove crepe to a paper towel lined plate. Fill center with your favorite jelly or jam (strawberry, mixed berry - they are all good!).
Eat while warm! Be ready to make many more!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fair Days
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm Lisa - it's the name my parents gave me when they adopted me as a baby. Being an adopted child will explain a lot of things about me down the road. Or at least I think it explains a lot about me. Being a wife and mother brings meaning to my life and my rock is my husband. I couldn't do half I do without him. So we have five children, all girls. Yes, all girls - we seem to only make the female species. So a house full of beauties is what my husband was meant to be surrounded by. Having a family of my own is all I ever wanted growing up - see there's that adopted child thing again. I have a tendency to go overboard or maybe it's just determination to do something right. Thus the five children! Once I figured out how I wanted to mother my girls, I just wanted to keep having babies. No, I am not currently pregnant nor do I have plans to be so. There's still time for that later - maybe. Our "baby" is going to be two years old in November and our oldest is 12 years old. Then there's my identical twin daughters whom just turned 9 years old and the child I never thought I'd have is now 4 years old.
We homeschool and run Full Circle Baby - a natural baby and mom boutique. Life is always busy, hopefully not passing us by, but living fully. Sometimes I can't remember what happened yesterday, but popping Ginko Biloba might help that if I didn't despise taking pills so much. So now I'm rambling, I'll stop. The girls anxiously await ......wait was that a crash I just heard? I'd better go investigate.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Going Batty

Finally, around 8:30pm or so what everyone has been watching and waiting for finally happens! The largest Urban Bat population takes flight out from under the Congress Street bridge! First, one little bat flys out, then a couple more, then over 1.5 million bats follow....amazing. We sat and listened to them squeak "talk" to each other for almost an hour before they took flight into the night sky. Such a neat summer evening. The exodus apparently can last about 45 minutes. We watched for awhile and the girls thought it was very neat.
This is what my camera was able to capture of them flying over our head.
Obviously, I need a much better camera to capture the millions of bats leaving their home!
If you look carefully, you can see a few of them here -
Amy's Ice Cream was the perfect ending to our summer night out in Austin. If you ever go, I recommend the Mexican Vanilla milkshake. It's rub your tummy good!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sum-Sum-Summer Time
However, the garden experiment took off with flying colors and encouraged us to try again with more plantings next year. We hope to bring in many more fresh veggies that have been home grown in the future. The book "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" inspired me greatly and opened my eyes to many things I didn't know about our food sources. My oldest reads food labels more than I do now and won't let anything with "high fructose corn syrup" enter the house! Homemade ice cream has become a staple now instead of purchased and we are getting really good at it. This recipe was a favorite and one that needs repeating! You just can't beat ice cream made with raw milk and is so yummy and healthy.

We just returned from a trip to Dallas to visit family, attend the LLL of TX conference and (most important to the girls) go to the American Girl Store. Fun for all! As I unpacked the past few days and caught up the store, I realized how much the store needed to be updated. That was done today along with plenty of reordering of products.
BumGenius 3.0 is our best selling diaper and obviously a favorite among many families. I have a hard time keeping it in stock and if I forget to reorder one week, then it unfortunately becomes a back ordered item. So, I've bumped up the inventory on this again and hope to reach really good stock levels to keep this from happening in the future. We'll be rolling in the diapers once more very soon! Boxes of cotton prefolds arrived this week and are waiting to be unpacked. These are really big boxes and heavy. There is something about the smell of new prefolds being unpacked though - very earthy.
Some other shop updates - I've put a few items in the Clearance section to make room in my storage area. So there are some really good deals there if you haven't looked lately! Also, Zolowear Slings are on sale this month and Baby Legs. There are some fun summer prints for Baby Legs and it's a good time to stock up for the Fall when they are on sale - right? :)
I'll try to not be so invisible the rest of the summer. I'm actually thinking of starting another blog that would be more personal and keep this one for the shop updates - still just thinking on that though. Off to paint the spare bedroom - what better things to do in the summer than to paint inside!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Baby UP!

This just in....

Friday, March 14, 2008
Permission to breathe
Saturday, January 26, 2008
On the horizon...
Also on the list, a want to try and get a video up on how to wash wool. I get this question over and over again. I know it seems intimidating to wash wool for the first time, but it's really easy.
I've never attempted video online though so please bear with me on this one! I'd love to get up a video of one of our cloth diapering consultations as well. But let me start small first!
I just installed (okay - Jeff did it) Photoshop Elements 6 on the computer in attempts to start keeping my pics organized and hopefully make some cute digital scrapbooking pages. There's no way I have time to pull out supplies and pictures to scrapbook by hand, so this digital scrapbooking might actually be something I can do. Plus, it will be so cool to edit pictures for our website. The book says it can even edit out wrinkles....very cool.
What else? Maybe some peeks at homeschooling, new books I'm trying to read and some crafts we've finished. We're trying to plan a vacation for this Spring too. I'm torn between visiting family and an educational trip (D.C. and Williamsburg, VA) vs. a trip to the coast in a beach house for week. Okay - so maybe I'm really not that torn.... ;).
Happy Weekend!
~xo, Lisa
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Dying Wool